Our Mission
At a time of great concern for the future of the planet, when our actions are threatening the existence of ourselves and other species, we can give the community the chance to take back real control, take power into their own hands and collectively own an area of wetlands and preserve it for ourselves and wildlife, and leave as a legacy for future generations We want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Find out more about our goals below…
Photography by Neil Wroblewski
Our Vision
We know that many people enjoy the Wetlands exactly as it is, but we know that it could be much more. All of the species named above and many more could call the Wetlands home if it were to be cared for and managed properly, we could make an immediate impact by installing bat and owl boxes, securing the otters holt and creating a ‘scrape’ to provide a habitat for wading birds, there is currently a nationwide project across wales to protect curlews and encourage breeding and we would be able to provide a habitat to be a site for exciting and very important projects such as this.
Local schools could bring their pupils here to participate in nature walks and we could place benches for people to sit in peace and quiet. The most important factor though is the hugely positive impact that this project will have on wildlife species and habitat protection and biodiversity and it is our hope, from the evidence that we have seen so far that it will be a powerful tool to help bring communities together. There will be huge educational benefits to be gained by working with local schools to enhance the delivery of the Curriculum for Wales as well as working with mental health and wellbeing charities and linking with groups such as Taff Ely Ramblers and our project will play a part in tackling the climate crisis. We already have an established weekly litter pick with the support of Keep Wales Tidy and local residents, and we have been attending the Climate and Environment Webinars with Beth Winter and. It is our hope to build on this by joining with other like-minded groups to possibly host multiple litter picks at specific times. It is our fundamental belief that the regenerative and highly positive benefits of this project will help to rehabilitate some individuals back into the community, be that through volunteering, work experience or educational courses. It is truly a project that has the potential to reach into every part of the valley community and to allow everyone to take part, no matter what their age and however big or small their contribution, this beautiful and very special area belongs to all of us and everyone matters here.